What would happen if the sun vanishes suddenly?

No sun only stars

 It might be a doubt in everyone's mind regarding the question"What would happen if the sun vanishes suddenly?" This blog is here to clear all your curiosity.

#whatwouldhappen 1 part.

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List of some things that will happen if the sun vanished.(Explained below)

1. Photosynthesis would stop.

2. The earth would itself disappear.

3. The temperature of earth would suddenly start decreasing.

4. All the rivers would freeze 🥶.

5. Moon would disappear.

Photosynthesis Would Stop:

As we all know that plants make their own food from the photosynthesis process. We know that the process of plants for changing light energy to chemical energy is called photosynthesis process. As the sun disappears, plants won't be able to get light which will disturb the photosynthesis. Hence after the 8 minutes of sun vanished, light would be gone from the entire world and sudden darkness would appear.

The Earth Would Itself Disappear.

As we know that the sun is a huge heavenly body/star. According to science, small mass of objects revolves around large mass of objects due to gravitational force. The sun is at the center of the universe and the planets revolve around it.If the sun would not itself exist,planets would go straight in path out of its orbit and may disappear at last.

The Temperature Of Earth Would Suddenly Decrease.

After the 8 minutes of the disappearance of sun,the warm rays of light/sun would stop coming in the surface of earth. It would also remove the concept of solar energy from humans. As a result, everything would cool down which will suddenly decrease the temperature of the earth.

All The Rivers Would Freeze 🥶.

As the sudden decrease in the temperature of the earth,the objects would keep on cooling. It would be cold,there would be no source of warmth. Each day would be colder and colder. It won't rain nor water would be evaporated. And then due to regularity coldness, rivers would freeze. In around a month or more.

5. Moon would disappear.

As we know that moon doesn't have its own light.But it still gets visible due to the reflection of light of the sun. In our query,the sun is vanished. It's light is also. As a result the moon would not get any light for reflection which would make it invisible/disappear.

*Crazy things that would also happen after sun dissapeared*

A. There would be no upcoming eclipse.

B. Earth would not be a living planet.

C. All human beings would die.

D. There will be a saying of "Golden 8 Minutes".

E. It would never be morning 🌅

F. It would stop raining.

G. A day would appear when water would be finished.


As a result, our imaginations are greater than us.
And it's a good news all that there is still no signs of sun to dissapear.

I am a blogger from Nepal. I love blogging. I am also an expert in content writing and creation.

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